ANASAYFA | ASABi Genel Ozellikler/1 rsm | BEBEKLiK | siamese cat | ÇAY, the siamese cat | iLETiSiM | SARP BEKiR OZU - ana sayfa | ASABi anne irki; Hellenic Hound, Greek Harehound, Hellenikos Ichnilatis, Greek Hound | ASABi baba soyu; Breed; Hellenic Hound, Greek Harehound, Hellenikos Ichnilatis, Greek Hound

Welcome graphic

Bu sayfanin ana amaci,yetistirmekte oldugum kopegimle ilgili bilgiler sunmak ve gelecekteki yavrularina onceden dogru sahipler bulmaktir. Hayvanlar, benim icin, bos vakit ugrasisindan cok ote bir ilgi alanidir. Cocukluk yaslarimdan beri, zooloji, ozellikle hayvan yapisi ve davranislari, en buyuk ilgi alanlarimdan biri olmustur.  
Animals are more than a hobby for me. It's a passion, the way I capture and celebrate life. In this album, I've assembled some of my favorite photographs about my dog and in general knowledge about dogs and other animals. Also by these pages, my aim is, to find sufficient and reasonable owners to my dog's (or dogs) future puppies.

On this page, I might describe common threads among my photographs or talk about the themes I try to explore with the camera. I'll also include one or two representative photographs on this page.


Thanks for dropping by and taking a look at my photos. Please get in touch with any comments or reactions!

asabi ve cay' in dogacak yavrulari icin